Parquet pricing
What does the price of parquet depend on? What are the factors which affect the price?
The price of Tarkett parquet varies depending on the type of the parquet you have chosen and, of course, on what type of installation you have opted for. The factors which affect the price are as follows:

• Wood Species
• Type of wood board: single-strip or three-strip parquet
• Wood board dimensions: the board can be narrower, wider, longer, shorter...
• Appearance of board edges: parquet with bevelled edges (strip flooring effect) or straight edges, where the joints between the boards are almost invisible
• Design and finish: treatment with oil or lacquer, brushing, additional sanding and finishing in order to highlight certain texture, use of digital printing technology etc.
The price of parquet is formed taking into account all the factors mentioned above. In addition to this, the type of installation also affects the price.
The price of installation of Tarkett parquet
Regardless of the type of installation you choose, you must follow the installation instructions and prepare the underlay properly. If necessary, you may have to pay additional costs related to repairing the existing sleeve, levelling and similar activities. Do not cut any corners when you are preparing the underlay and always contact a certified Tarkett installer; if you have chosen parquet for your home, you have chosen value. Purchasing parquet is an investment that pays off, because even after many years of use, you can sand and renew your wood floor again.

If you are installing parquet with the click system, without gluing, you should buy the underlay and pay a certified Tarkett installer to install it for you. If you choose to install your parquet by gluing it, you should take into account the cost of purchasing the glue.
You can check the exact prices for your chosen parquet and all the information related to installation at the nearest shop or with a certified Tarkett installers in your town