Inspiration & Services
References: Cismigiu Bistro Restaurant
A sophisticated restaurant is not complete without an attractive floor, and this is what Cismigiu Bistro restaurant in Bucharest shows. Personalised design of vinyl flooring fit in perfectly with the elegant interior.


From idea to realization, let Tarkett products inspire you live! Browse our parquet, laminate, LVT, vinyl and other residential and commercial flooring references.

Discover Tarkett

Tarkett is a company that is ultimately dedicated to its customers, it deals with designing floor coverings and sports surfaces bearing in mind human welfare and taking care of the environment. With a wide range of products from our offer we cover various market segments, and for years we have been justifying the reputation of an excellent company, the leader in the field of innovative solutions and sustainable development. 

Tarkett Showroom
If you are an architect, interior designer or Tarkett sales partner, find us in our Tarkett Showroom, in order to find the best solution for a wide variety of your projects. Learn more about top-quality multilayer Tarkett parquet, LVT floors, linoleum, sports or other surfaces. Tarkett Showroom is also a place where you can see the required flooring samples and find out more about their characteristics.
Homepage Tarkett Showroom Zagreb
Tarkett Showroom Zagreb

Tarkett Showroom Zagreb

Tarkett Showroom – Znanje i podrška za profesionalce

Kompanija Tarkett, svjetski lider u podnim oblogama, pruža pomoć i podršku svojim klijentima i profesionalcima. Ukoliko ste arhitekt, dizajner interijera, Tarkett partner u prodaji; pronađite nas u Showroomu na adresi Buzinski prilaz 10, Zagreb, kako bismo pronašli najbolje rješenje za Vaše najrazličitije projekte.

Tarkett SEE Showroom u Zagrebu je pravo mjesto za sve potrebne informacije ili konzultacije. Saznajte više o vrhunskom Tarkett višeslojnom parketu, tekstilnim pločama, LVT i sportskim podovima, linoleumu ili o drugim podovima. Pronađite odgovore na karakteristične zahtjeve arhitektonskih projekata, dizajn interijera, pitanja o prodaji i slično. Tarkett Showroom je također i mjesto u kojem možete pogledati željene uzorke podova i saznati više o njihovim karakteristikama.

Velikog broja Tarkett rješenja namjenjen je za primenu u svim segmentima, bilo da su u pitanju:

Pružamo podna rješenja za sve prostore i omogućujemo našim kupcima da se uvjere u kvalitetu proizvoda.


Pogledajte naše reference

Postavljena Tarkett rješenja za različite podove i sportske površine predstavljaju brojne reference zahvaljujući suradnji sa vodećim svjetskim arhitektima i stručnjacima u građevinarstvu.

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Zagreb – Buzinski prilaz 28 

Zakažite konzultacije telefonom do 16h ili na e-mail:
Mob: +385 91 444 16 58