Inspiration & Services
References: Cismigiu Bistro Restaurant
A sophisticated restaurant is not complete without an attractive floor, and this is what Cismigiu Bistro restaurant in Bucharest shows. Personalised design of vinyl flooring fit in perfectly with the elegant interior.


From idea to realization, let Tarkett products inspire you live! Browse our parquet, laminate, LVT, vinyl and other residential and commercial flooring references.

Discover Tarkett

Tarkett is a company that is ultimately dedicated to its customers, it deals with designing floor coverings and sports surfaces bearing in mind human welfare and taking care of the environment. With a wide range of products from our offer we cover various market segments, and for years we have been justifying the reputation of an excellent company, the leader in the field of innovative solutions and sustainable development. 

Tarkett Showroom
If you are an architect, interior designer or Tarkett sales partner, find us in our Tarkett Showroom, in order to find the best solution for a wide variety of your projects. Learn more about top-quality multilayer Tarkett parquet, LVT floors, linoleum, sports or other surfaces. Tarkett Showroom is also a place where you can see the required flooring samples and find out more about their characteristics.
Homepage Ultra-low VOCs
Ultra low VOCs for better indoor air quality with floors

Ultra-low VOCs

Breathe in clearer air

At Tarkett we’re passionate about the promotion of healthy living. That starts with breathing clear air, and as we spend on average 90% of our time indoors*, indoor air quality plays a huge part in our wellbeing.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are the gases emitted from both natural and man-made everyday objects. VOCs include a variety of chemicals, some of which may have short-or long-term adverse health effects.

Ultra low VOCs for better indoor air quality with floors

At Tarkett we’ve been pioneers of flooring solutions with low and ultra-low VOC emissions since 2011, offering products with VOC emission levels that are between 10 and 100 times lower than the most stringent world standards. In some cases, our VOC emissions are so low that they cannot even be quantified! We’ve also developed glue-free laying techniques for our click and loose-lay vinyl collections and low maintenance products, further reducing the potential for VOCs in your indoor air.

Ultra low VOCs for better indoor air quality with floors

We’re so dedicated to helping to improve the Indoor Air Quality you breathe, we’ve exceeded industry standards to such a degree that we’re setting our own standards. But you don’t just need to take our word for it. Eurofins, a leading independent air quality testing organisation, has verified our products to Gold and Platinum level for Indoor Air Quality, proving that our industry-busting standards are not just claims, they’re facts. Facts that give you peace of mind that with a Tarkett flooring, you can breathe clear air in the knowledge you made the right choice.

Making conscious choices. For people and planet.
Tarkett Human-Conscious DesignTM.

* US Environmental Protection Agency, 1989. Report to Congress on indoor air quality: Volume 2. EPA/400/1-89/001C. Washington, DC

Ultra low VOCs for better indoor air quality with floors